Sadiatou Jallow
Sadiatou grew up on the other side of the world – literally – in Gambia. She and her immediate family came to Knoxville in 1987 with help from Alex Haley, author of Roots. Sadiatou’s daughter Binta is a direct descendent of Kunta Kinte, of Roots fame. Binta was born with severe disabilities and needs around the clock care to keep her safe in the community.
For 26 years, Sadiatou has been a dogged advocate for her daughter’s healthcare. She has worked with Tennessee Justice Center to ensure Binta has the care she needs since shortly after her birth. She has been featured in state and national media, testified before courts and lawmakers, and courageously shared her family’s story to educate people and put a human face to policy issues impacting people with special needs. She has provided heartfelt advice to countless other parents, all while serving as Binta’s primary caregiver and struggling with her own health issues.
While still living in Gambia, she worked for a major telecommunications company, during which time she traveled throughout the UK for business. Once in the United States, she received Associate degrees in both Communications and Medical Assistance. She currently works as a caregiver and provides Hospice care. Sadiatou is pleased to join the Board of Directors at Tennessee Justice Center, looking forward to being able to continue helping other families who need assistance getting the health care they need.