Frank & Amy Garrison
Frank and Amy Garrison’s generosity and public service have enriched lives and strengthened communities across the globe. For years they have invested time and made strategic, far-sighted investments in institutions and projects that advance justice and promote equity. At Vanderbilt Law School and Fisk University, Frank and Amy’s generosity will help develop future champions of justice. In South Africa, they are helping sustain a foundation that advances justice, human rights and reconciliation through artistic expression.
The Tennessee Justice Center is proud and grateful that our clients are among the thousands of families who benefit from the Garrisons’ efforts. Frank and Amy helped establish TJC’’s Charles Warfield Fellowship, enabling new lawyers to launch careers in public interest law. For years, Frank has been our mentor and coach. When TJC lost its lease, Frank urged us to look for a permanent home. Then, early in the pandemic, Frank and Amy both contracted COVID. With the economy in freefall, TJC dropped its plans to purchase a building, hoping merely to survive. But Frank, whose personal survival was very much in doubt, wasn’t having it. He communicated l from the hospital with encouragement, financial analyses and crucial advice. Their terrifying encounter with COVID only deepened the Garrisons’ commitment to health justice and made them even more concerned for those who lack access to lifesaving medical care. Our new forever home simply would not – could not – have become a reality without their courage, compassion and generosity.