Linda O'Neal
Linda O’Neal is retiring after a lifetime of advocating for children and the parents who care for them. She began her career working with children in foster care. She then led the successful effort to modernize Tennessee’s juvenile justice system, including the removal of children from adult jails. For the past thirty years, Linda has served as executive director of the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth. Linda’s wise and skillful leadership has helped make the Commission one of Tennessee’s most effective and influential government agencies. Respected throughout Tennessee for her integrity, courage and expertise in child welfare policy, she has kept the Commission above the political fray and relentlessly focused on advancing the wellbeing of our children. Linda’s devotion to children and the adults in their lives is reflected in service in numerous volunteer activities, including as a longtime Girl Scout leader. TJC shares the worries of all children’s advocates about how we will all carry on without Linda’s leadership, but she leaves the Commission in good shape and we are glad that she will now have more time to enjoy being a proud mother and grandmother.