Manny Martins
Manny Martins brought creativity, courage and tenacity to a lifetime of dedicated public service. As a young public health administrator, he took on the multinational corporate giants that dominated the infant formula market. He used a bidding process to compel them to dramatically lower the price they charged the Women, Infants and Children (“WIC”) program that provides nutrition supplements to pregnant and nursing mothers and their small children. Braving fierce political pressure, Manny thereby enabled the program to serve many thousands more families. Other states soon followed suit, with beneficial health effects for our nation’s most vulnerable children. Manny went on to direct the Medicaid program under three governors, and to work with David Manning to implement TennCare. Manny’s credentials would have made him wealthy in the private sector, but he remained in government service. Working prodigious hours and bearing incredible stress, Manny used his talents and energies on behalf of those most in need. Inspired by David and Manny’s leadership, TJC continues to lead the effort to expand Medicaid and restore coverage to the families that TennCare once served.