We have a directory of resources with information about eligibility for various public programs, food assistance, and more.
Tennessee's TennCare Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) programs and the Medicare Savings Program (MSP) can be the only affordable options to achieve an independent life for many Tennesseans. Older adults and people with disabilities deserve the supports they need to be independent, healthy, and to participate in their communities, without red tape.
We provide direct service help for families having difficulty navigating these programs. We inform the public and policymakers about the importance of these programs, and the need to preserve, protect, and improve these programs to better meet the needs of our loved ones who may require hands on help to be safe. Failing to preserve these programs would adversely impact our communities and healthcare system. Finally, we educate community partners and advocates through in-person and virtual trainings, education materials, and our newsletter.
We educate community partners and advocates through in-person and virtual trainings, education materials, and our newsletter. Please visit "Our Work" page to learn more about our work and see if we can help you!
For help with coverage issues, please visit our Need Our Help page, or call 615-255-0331 if you or someone you know needs our services.

Your organization was successful in getting my wife Barbara accepted into the CHOICES program. I have been attempting to secure this help from TennCare for approximately three years and unable to be approved. Thanks to Katie’s able leadership, we were successful.
Dr. Bill Halbert, caregiver of previous CHOICES client
Pictured: Dr. Bill Halbert and his wife Ms. Barbara Halbert. TJC helped Ms. Halbert secure CHOICES coverage care so that she could receive care in her home.
TJC is committed to improving health outcomes for people of all races, ethnicities, gender, and sexes including sexuality across the state. Systemic discrimination has a longstanding history in national and state policies that negatively impact health outcomes for rural Tennesseans and marginalized groups. Our health equity work seeks to eliminate barriers to access by presenting research and policy solutions.
For regularly updated resources and information on health equity issues as well as a breakdown of the history of structural racism in Tennessee’s healthcare system, visit our Health Equity page.