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In addition to representing individuals, TJC also uses litigation as a tool to make widespread impact and improve the lives of Tennesseans across the state.


Please find more information about some of our current and past cases below:

AMC v. Smith, Civil Action No. 3:20-cv-00240 (M.D. Tenn.) 


AMC v. Smith is an ongoing lawsuit filed in 2020 involving the administration of Tennessee’s Medicaid program, known as TennCare. Following a five-day trial, a federal court ruled that TennCare violated the Constitution, Medicaid Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Thirty-five children and adults from across Tennessee originally brought a class action on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of individuals challenging the state’s wrongful termination of people’s health insurance. The plaintiffs allege that TennCare’s system for reevaluating eligibility is defective and fails to provide the notice and opportunity for hearing required by the Medicaid Act and the Constitution. They also claim that TennCare’s eligibility redetermination process discriminates against people with disabilities. While the case is not over and appeals may follow, the district court agreed with the Plaintiffs following the trial.  


The Tennessee Justice Center filed this case in partnership with the National Health Law Program, National Center for Law & Economic Justice , and Selendy Gay PLLC








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