Cynthia Jordan
Cynthia was hit by a drunk driver while she was pregnant with Caitlyn. Several of Cynthia’s bones were broken, her face was crushed, and she suffered third degree burns. Doctors immediately delivered the baby, who had suffered a blow and had been deprived of oxygen. Now age 17, Caitlyn requires constant care. She cannot speak or walk, and relies on a feeding tube. Despite enduring face reconstruction, loss of smell, taste, and sight, and being abandoned by her husband, Cynthia cared for Caitlyn for thirteen years. In 2009, TennCare denied a special bed that Caitlyn’s doctor prescribed to keep her safe. TJC and the Legal Aid Society (LAS) helped Cynthia get a hearing. When the TennCare attorneys saw Caitlyn at the courthouse, they immediately agreed to give Caitlyn the bed she needed. Cynthia “proves that there is no stronger advocate then a mother protecting her child,” said LAS.
Photo Credit: Fran Cliff and Nancy MacLean