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Rachael Tremblay

Rachael is a 20-year-old mother of two children living in Crossville, Tennessee. She cares for her daughter AJ (3) and her newborn son, Oliver, or Ollie. Despite the many hurdles she has faced trying to secure TennCare for herself and her children, Rachael constantly demonstrates patience and kindness. She always prioritizes her children and was relentless in getting the care that they all needed.

The Tennessee Justice Center helped Rachael when she was pregnant with her son Oliver. Rachael unexpectedly lost her coverage and was without coverage at a critical time in her pregnancy. She faced pregnancy complications and also learned that her doctor would not be able to continue seeing her without insurance. We helped her get approved again just in time for her to continue receiving care. She safely delivered her healthy baby boy Ollie in October, and we were able to help her get him approved for TennCare too. With her TennCare fixed, she can now focus on her two wonderful kids, AJ and Ollie. TJC is proud to recognize Rachael as a 2020 Mother of the Year.

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