One of our clients struggled to get healthcare as she was studying to earn a Master’s degree. With limited income, she didn’t have the funds to pay for private insurance. She couldn’t afford a Marketplace premium, and she did not qualify for TennCare. So, she is one of the millions in America that lives without insurance.
Healthcare has become a battleground for issues of personal responsibility, taxation, and more that impacts people across income, racial, and most importantly, party lines. She says, “Healthcare is not a political issue. Everyone has to go to the doctor. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or a Democrat.”
Every single person in this country will need healthcare at some point. Cutting Medicaid will keep millions of people, including over 300,000 people in Tennessee, away from the medical care they desperately need- whether that’s an annual physical or life-saving insulin.
Currently, Congress is proposing 880 billion dollars in cuts to Medicaid. Since half of all moms in Tennessee rely on Medicaid to pay for prenatal and postpartum care, it would be devastating to our state’s children and families to see cuts this large be enacted. Keeping mothers and babies healthy should not be a partisan issue.