TJC is honored to have worked with some of the top lawyers in both Tennessee and the country. Pro bono attorneys have been deeply involved in some of our most significant legal work; they have partnered with us on cases that have prevented bankruptcy for Tennesseans struggling to put food on the table and saved lives of citizens with complex medical conditions. They generously donate their time and expertise to ensure families in Tennessee have representation when their loved ones or themselves are in need of vital medical services. If you’re interested in attending a CLE training or learning more about becoming involved, please email Rob Watkins at rwatkins@tnjustice.org.
Past referrals to pro bono attorneys have included cases involving a 39-year-old mother being told she had to move to a nursing home, a child with behavioral problems being denied mental health treatment, and a young girl whose home nursing hours, which allowed her to remain home with her family, were set to be cut. These are cases where your actions will have a direct and enormous impact on the lives of your clients.
Pro bono attorneys who agree to work with our clients will have the opportunity to represent low-income Tennesseans in TennCare appeals.
Hearings are held by phone, so the pro bono attorney need not live in the same geographic area as the client.
TJC attorneys will help you with ongoing technical support and strategic advice throughout your entire pro bono experience.
Jack Smith
TJC client Ava Gray Whitacre is a six-year-old girl who lives in Madison, Tennessee. Ava Gray was born with multiple severe physical and intellectual disabilities. Since her birth, TennCare had provided Ava Gray with nurses to allow her to live at home with her family. But last year, Ava Gray’s mother, Julie, was informed that TennCare was going to cut Ava Gray’s nursing hours below what she needed to stay safe at home.
Julie turned to TJC for help. TJC reached out to our network of pro bono lawyers to find representation for Ava Gray in her appeal of the cut to her nursing hours. Jack Smith, a former U.S. Attorney and Vice President for Litigation at HCA, answered the call and represented Ava Gray at her hearing. Thanks to Jack’s skill and determination, Ava Gray won her TennCare appeal and is able to keep her home nursing hours.
Jack was so inspired by his pro bono work with Ava Gray that he wanted to offer other HCA attorneys the opportunity to enrich their professional lives by representing other TJC clients in need of pro bono representation. He invited TJC to come to HCA and present a CLE on handling TennCare medical service appeals. On March 19, 2018, TJC presented training on handling TennCare appeals to ten HCA lawyers at HCA’s Nashville office. These lawyers were very excited about the opportunity to provide pro bono representation to TJC’s clients, and we are very excited about the opportunity to partner with HCA to ensure that our clients do not lose needed medical care simply because they lack legal representation.

Pro bono legal assistance is not only important for the clients, but it can also provide valuable legal experience for younger lawyers and enrich the professional lives of all those who participate. If you or your law firm would like to join TJC’s pro bono network and make a difference in the lives of Tennessee families, please contact our Legal Director Brant Harrell.