Want to show that you’re a #HealthcareVoterTN?
What better way than by donating to TJC and getting the perfect shirt or face mask to complete your wardrobe!

Give to TJC and get a free t-shirt or face mask to let your family, friends, and representatives know that you care about the Tennessee economy, our hospitals, and our citizens.
T-Shirt: With a gift of $50 or more, pick one of our three shirt designs in a variety of adult, youth, and baby sizes.
Basic TJC
Healthcare Voter
Liberty Y’all
Face Mask: Our Healthcare Voter mask is breathable 3-layer polyester knit, machine washable, and fits most adult faces. Get a mask with a gift of $20, or get a shirt and mask combo with a $60 gift.
Get your TJC item(s) by filling out this form. Please use the Comments box to request the item type and size—you can also request that they be mailed to a loved one as a gift by entering the recipient’s shipping name and address.
By donating for a shirt or mask you’ll not only have a great TJC keepsake, but you’ll also be supporting the advocacy work we do, including the ever-changing developments on public program eligibility due to COVID-19. Each contribution will go towards TJC being able to both reach and also help more clients with their problems accessing health care and nutrition benefits.
Thanks for supporting TJC. Our work would truly be impossible without the generosity of our amazing supporters!

Will you share a selfie on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? Don’t forget to tag us and hashtag #HealthcareVoterTN
Or you can send it straight to us and we’ll post it on TJC’s page!