STAY PROTECTED: The Latest COVID-19 Vaccination Information & Resources in Tennessee
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm with its unprecedented impact. Tennessee, like many states in the US, rolled out COVID-19 vaccination programs that offer a path to a post-pandemic future. According to the latest data from the Tennessee Department of Health, over 1.4 million people have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
However, many Tennesseans still have concerns about vaccine safety, and others remain unsure about where and how to access testing and treatment. There is also a growing concern that not everyone has equal access to the vaccine. Vaccine equity is not just about ensuring that everyone has access to the vaccine but also addressing the underlying factors that contribute to disparities in healthcare. These factors include lack of transportation, inadequate healthcare facilities, and language barriers.

There is still much work to be done in ensuring that all Tennesseans have equitable access to the vaccine.
This includes addressing the entrenched systemic issues that have contributed to longstanding health inequities in the state. As we continue to navigate through the pandemic, TJC remains committed to our mission, to advocate for improved health equity and access for all Tennesseans. By working together and ensuring that everyone has equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine, we can emerge from this pandemic stronger and more united than ever before.
According to the new FDA guidance, people who have had only one monovalent vaccine who have not received a dose of the bivalent may receive a single dose of the bivalent vaccine.
Vaccines for Children Program offers federally funded vaccines for children from birth until they are 18. There is an administration fee of $20 but sliding scales are available based on income.
In order to be eligible, you must meet fall under one of these categories: TennCare recipient, uninsured, underinsured, and American Indian or Alaska Native.
Contact your local health department or ask your provider if they participate in Vaccines for Children Program
If you have TennCare, CHIP, or Medicare Part D you can receive ACIP recommended vaccines at no extra cost. The list of vaccines covered can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/acip-recs/index.html
Your household can receive up to 4 COVID-19 rapid tests. Follow the links or call the number below to get your COVID-19 rapid tests shipped for free:
Online Link: COVID Home Tests | USPS
Accessible COVID-19 Rapid Tests for Blind or Low Vision Individuals: https://special.usps.com/testkits/accessible
Call: 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489).
If you are uninsured and have been exposed to COVID-19 or are symptomatic you can search for no-cost COVID-19 test sites here: No-Cost COVID-19 Testing (cdc.gov)
The Bridge Access Program serves as a temporary bridge to provide access to free COVID-19 vaccines for underinsured and uninsured adults. You can reach out to these trusted providers who are a part of the Bridge Access Program:
Nashville Health Centers:
​​Neighborhood Health’s Downtown Clinic (526 8th Avenue South, Nashville, TN)
​​Connectus Health (601 Benton Ave, Nashville, TN 37204)
​​Memphis Health Centers:
Chattanooga Health Center:
Erlanger Community Health Center (1200 Dodson Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37406)
Murfreesboro Health Centers
Knoxville Health Center:
Benton Health Center:
Bolivar Health Center:
Columbia Health Center:
Franklin Health Center:
Huntsville Health Center:
Jellico Health Centers:
Johnson City Health Center:
Lafollette Health Center:
Linden Health Center:
Newport Health Center:
Rogersville Health Center:
Savannah Health Center:
Tiptonville Health Center:
Vonore Health Center:
Westmoreland Health Center: